XP Days Germany Wir twittern: @xd_de; offizielles Hashtag: #xdde09

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Creating Leaderful Teams to Achieve High Performance (Deborah Hartmann Preuß)

These are challenging times: so we hire smart people and shift to a software process that promises improvement. But if we retain old mental models of leadership the expected performance boost may not materialise. While we carefully train teams in Agile practices, we sometimes neglect to also prepare the team's leaders to help the team grow into their self-organization, an important role. The resulting dissonance between an Agile team and traditional-thinking leaders can cause confusion and waste and quietly limit the team's growth and effectiveness.

The days of micromanagement, absentee leaders or "make it so" must end - but with what are they to be replaced? I’ll challenge traditional mental models of leadership with what writers like Joseph Raelin, Harrison Owen and others are saying about Leaderful Teams; look at why these new models are helpful; and introduce some thinking tools you can experiment with. The provided bibliography will help you take action, using ideas that challenge you or pique your imagination.

The talk will be given in English.

Über die Referentin

Deborah Hartmann Preuß This year, Deborah Hartmann Preuß moved from Canada to Karlsruhe, where she continues her work as a freelance effectiveness coach, helping individuals, teams and businesses produce real value while enjoying great teamwork. Deb has created and facilitated many events for the international Agile community (including AgileCoachCamp 2010 in Karlsruhe?). She is a Certified Scrum Practitioner, has formal training as a Team Coach, a Life Coach and Open Space facilitation, and speaks three languages.

WWW: http://www.deborahpreuss.com